Went the worst way
Wanted to go away
Drawn like a moth
To the fire.


No desire

Fallen from the ashes
Dried and purified
I no longer
Stretch my wings
Straining to fly.

No more enemies
To fight
Just an instinct
Gone awry.

Once seduced by
The light
Now forever
And forever

Went the worst way
Wanted to go away.

Got lost along the way.

There's always the piper to pay
For a too sad song
Begun on a sour note.

Reason wants to cry out
What went wrong?
When maybe it's just
I don't belong.

For your information
There's no transformation
Just stops along the way
From day
To day
To day.

Got to make hay
There's the piper to pay.

It's OK-It's OK-It's OK
Chants the one who's
Mastered death.

What makes him whine
That awful whine?

What went wrong?
I already told you,
I don't belong.

The story of King Kong
An ugly ape
With such sad eyes
At the top of the tallest building
He cries

For love

He doesn't know
It's only a show
