I came to you in greed
With boney-hand outstretched
Playing on your need like
Some cold green scaled creature
With a soft yawning mouth
Lined with teeth.
You were sad you said
With too many yesterdays
Filled with tears
That wet your
Hollowed out appetite.
With a too quick tongue
I danced about inside
Trying to tickle your fancy
You hid from me
A fear too tender
For mockery.
An anger too dark
To share.
I lashed out
Wanting more
Looking for blood
You willingly shed
For the other.
I guessed quickly
The veins hidden there
And laid bare
Too moist to grasp
Or swallow.
I retreated
To the cold surface
Wanting more.
I went challenging giants
Not for any noble quest
But merely to see them
All fall in you.
Of the quickest
To crawl out
On to the top!
Grinding meat
To earth
To dirt
To dung
I laughed.
You cried.
Something broke.
Something died.
I stood on ground
Called moral
And planted a crucifix
Burying shame beneath
The mirage of Christianity.
Bodies hung suspended
With gaping eyes
Staring blindly
At blindness, all around
As shadows danced
To unsung sounds
Of unborn babies
To unmothered mothers
Fathered by ghosts
Scaring all away
To some place
Too far and distant
For anyone to give a damn
I cried
You laughed
Who cared?
Even wanting
Beneath the surface
In the red
There is no balance
Or any wire to walk
With no umbrella
That opens
To float
One down.
Only the falling
Of lovers in love
To some place unknown
Until the floating ends.