Do you still not know where you belong
What are you waiting for?
Does the wind against your bared skin
Not convince you that you are here?
And it too, being here, embraces you?
Did you have a few bad experiences
Where you could have been killed and eaten?
Welcome to the world of life being life
And hungrily feasting upon itself!
Did you feel you were rejected by your mother's breast?
Was your hunger not satisfied, was that the test?
Then join the herds of un-suckled creatures with
Not enough milk of human kindness to go around.
Listen to the wailing of these limp and defenseless kin,
These billions of bodies now underground, and belong.
Belong to these, adopting redemption as your new song.
Anything else would be callous ignorance, a soulless sin.
Raise yourself up from the dead and the buried,
Stand upright on this mountain of bones and howl at the moon.
Make such a noise in this graveyard of complacent stillness
That all who have ears to hear,
Accept the stirrings of a new and better life
And tremble at what the future,
If lived,
Could bring.